When it's time to get some range time in, you can choose from an outdoor shooting range or indoor shooting range, depending on your location. There are ups and downs to each, and today, we are going to look at the pros and cons of indoor gun ranges vs outdoor gun ranges.
Outdoor Gun Range
First, we are going to look at outdoor gun ranges. These gun ranges are built outdoors and offer a real-world experience with changing weather conditions and climates. However, this also leaves them up for unexpected closures or damages due to weather. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of outdoor gun ranges.
Gives You Real Weather Experiences
Can Allow You To Practice Adjusting To Windy Conditions
Outdoor Ranges Allow For More Tactical Shooting Experiences
Susceptible To Weather
Can Be Difficult On Windy Days
Can Be Uncomfortable On Extremely Hot Or Cold Days
Indoor Gun Range
Next, we are going to look at indoor gun ranges. Indoor gun ranges allow users to practice shooting in any type of weather since the gun range is located inside. This is a great way to enjoy the gun range year round. However, you will not get the experience of shooting in different weather conditions since indoor shooting ranges are climate controlled. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of indoor gun ranges.
Climate Controlled
Can Be Used In Any Weather
Prevents Sweaty Hands In Summer/Shaking Hands In Winter
Less Flexibility In Shooting Experiences
Does Not Allow For Adjusting To Weather Conditions
Republic Gun Club Is Waco’s #1 Indoor Gun Range
Republic Gun Club offers the best indoor shooting range experience in Central Texas. With indoor pistol bays, tactical bays, and 100 yard bays, you can shoot just about any firearm at Republic Gun Club’s indoor gun range.